The Southern Seas Campaign

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The Southern Seas campaign was an online Play-By-Post campaign in the Dark Ages world, running since 2009. It centered around the town of Skalfier, located in the Duchy of Occidens, and reached its climax in the fabled island-city of Ramathia!

The Southern Seas campaign started off as a media-rich Play-by-Post game hosted on the old Google Wave product. After a hiatus and Google Wave shutting down, the play moved to Rizzoma and Roll20. Rizzoma became too unreliable, so we moved to Discord and concluded the campaign there.

If you'd like to read the play, you can do so at the post archive found here!

Quick Links for Players: Houserules

Location Links: Skalfier | Appleton | Ramathia | Duchy of Occidens |

NPC Links: Skalfier Shops and NPCs

Other Links: Player Maps of the Southern Seas | Archive of Play by Post Acts | What are the Chronicles of Etinerra